Saturday, October 23, 2010

ATCs (Artists Trading Cards)

I got a mail from an artist friend, Elva (we became friends through our postings in the 100 painting challenge) asking if I would like to participate in ATCs. I quote from her here as she described what ATCs are:
A Swiss artist, M. V. Stinnemann came up with the idea in 1997.  .... little pieces of artwork (2 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches) artists to trade ... free ... not for sale.  He invisioned that trading be done in person and even organized trading sessions which still go on in different places. The idea caught on and some like to trade through trading forums where you mail in the artwork and it is traded to someone you have never met.  
Elva and I are not keen to paint for total strangers, but we agreed it would be fun to trade with people we know, or even friends of friends! I got my first 3 from Elva yesterday, all the way from the US and I am posting them here to share! Its such a great feeling, especially since she has taken the effort to send me 2 night time pictures, as she knows I find painting night time scenes really tough! I am now painting my 3 for her and hope to have them ready to send on Monday!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Autumn Leaf!

Another 20 min. Challenge! The leaves are changing colour and I picked this one up during a walk! The challenge really was to get the folded over bits and the shadow under it. I think I got that, but do feel if I had spent more time over it, I possibly would have got better depth in the leaf itself! There are so many wonderful coloured leaves around now, so I think I will do a series!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tiger tiger!

This is for Priya's 50th birthday and the picture has been composed from a series of pictures I found on the net. Priya being an activist for animal causes....I thought it was appropriate! I tried to find one of a lion, as she had nursed a very sick lion while she was working at the SPCA in Mumbai, but just couldn't find one. Painting this picture has been a HUGE learning experience! I am not sure I really enjoyed painting it either, I think painting animals doesn't really turn me on too took a lot of time, and I am still not sure I like the competed picture. I wonder, does one paint any and every subject because as an artist one should be able to, or should one stick to things that catch ones interest, and in my case that would be landscapes and trees and views from things happening around me. I have painted a lot of still life as Habib has insisted that it is the best way to learn. The other thing is that I like painting 'wet' water colours and not have to put in minute details, I work quickly and like to finish my work in just a few sittings, if not a single one....I think animals and people require a lot more detail....anyway lets see whether Priya likes it or not!


I noticed the sunlight making this little brass pot on my coffee table glow with many lights and colours, including a wonderful gold...and with a couple of Viveck's Mansarovar stones beside it, made a pretty picture. So I have painted it for the 20 minute challenge! I possibly would have spent more time on getting the 3 D effect on the stones and a better background had I given it more time!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Sketches in Dhaka!

I have been on work in Bangladesh. Looking out of my hotel window I saw this cycle rickshaw parked below my window, and decided to do a sketch for the 20 min challenge! Bangladesh is known for its brightly coloured cycle rickshaws which makes them so different from the ones we have here. 20 min. paintings are such a great way to improve my skill....I am forced to concentrate on only whats essential and important, and stop fussing with colours!
 Sitting in my hotel room, really tired after tromping all over Bangladesh, over bad roads and awful traffic, miles of walking through villages, so much poverty,  I decided to paint to relax.. It was evening and the light falling on my hotel keys and the water glass, casting shadows, caught my eyes!